Riding an electric scooter requires the same level of responsibilities as the riding of any other vehicle. Safe riding is related not only to your own safety but to one of the other participants in the traffic, as well as the one of the pedestrians. There are numerous mistakes that you can make which can end up in an accident and cause you injuries. For this reason, Joyor Electric Scooter prepared this guide, in order to help you become more responsible when commuting and be better aware of how to keep yourself and others safe.

Pay Attention to the Road
Attention is a key factor when riding in all types of environments.
Always keep in mind that the other participants in the traffic may do a drastic change in the direction in which they are going, which may provoke a dangerous situation that could end up in a serious accident. In places where the visibility is poor, it is always better to slow down and be prepared if someone appears suddenly or if there is a change in the surface.
Paying attention is crucial and will help you anticipate every situation on the road.
Even though the braking system of the electric scooters is quite developed, it is never a good option to expect that you will stop immediately after hitting the brakes.
Expecting to stop in the last second, will cause the tyre surface to wear, which itself will cause slippage. The slippage won't guarantee you subtle braking, that is why you will always have to maintain enough braking distance.
Traffic Rules
Traffic rules may vary according to the location. However, there are some basic and general rules which are valid everywhere.
Independently of the fact, if you are riding a fuel-based vehicle or an electric scooter, you must be always aware of the traffic rules. Your awareness will help you apply all the measures and will keep you and the others safe.
Technical Roadworthiness
Never forget to check the conditions of your electric scooter and its spare parts.
Check your tyres, brakes, battery, throttle, and potential damage in the cabling frame. The proper function of all components will guarantee you a safe ride and will keep the performance of your vehicle at its optimal level.
Safety Equipment
Certain protective equipment is a must when riding an electric scooter. Considering the fact that the electric scooters don't have the same isolation as the car chassis provide, scooter riders must always be equipped with the essential helmet, knee, and elbow guards, in order to keep themselves safe.
On the other hand, if riding at night, don't forget to wear reflective clothing. Even though many of the electric scooters have front and rear lights and independently on how illuminated the road is, making yourself more visible in the dark is always a good idea.
By bearing in mind all these tips, you will reduce the risk of injuries and accidents when riding, secure the performance of your electric scooter, and will guarantee yourself long and carefree rides.
Joyor Electric Scooter is the company that drives the new electric mobility concept in Europe by bringing to the market the widest range of electric scooters for any taste or need. Joyor is an electric and foldable scooter designed for personal transportation and leisure. Fast, durable, solid, safe and easy to ride, Joyor is designed in the Netherlands. With Joyor Scooter you can enjoy revolutionary transport made to offer a unique experience at an irresistible price.
Con el patinete eléctrico
1- velocidad aconsejable 20 kms
2- aceleraciones suaves y progresivas, igual máxima comodidad y seguridad
3- ceder el paso a todos los peatones posibles en tú trayecto, igual a máximos actos de conciencia
4- agradece a los conductores que te ceden el paso, igual a educación espiritual
5- tu relajación y evolución será progresiva a más tiempo más actos de conciencia, igual a pura inteligencia.