2020 has been a true year of change in every aspect of our lives, including the way we commute. Electric scooters and other vehicles of personal mobility have become one of the main participants of the urban traffic in most of the European countries, and especially in Spain.

People tend to avoid crowded places and public transport due to COVID-19. With the increasing costs of using and maintaining a car or a motorbike and the gradual disappearance of free parking zones in the cities, electric scooters and bikes seem to be the ideal solution.
Due to the increasing number of electric scooters in the cities, governments of many European countries have developed or are in a process of developing a new system of official laws, norms, and documents that regulate the circulation of these vehicles. Spain is one of them. While some countries have stricter regulations, some still do not have any laws in place. However, electric scooters have come into our lives to stay, and sooner or later each country will have a regulation system developed. While they might vary from country to country, the Spanish government is working on their own optimal regulation that reflects the European recommendations and can be used as a reference for users from other countries on what is to come.
There have been a lot of questions, discussions, and rumours around the new regulation of personal mobility vehicles in Spain. We have received a lot of emails and calls from customers and distributors who have been misinformed and now are in fear and panic. There is no need to panic! The new regulation is not restricting you from using your electric scooter. The aim of it is that you participate in the traffic in a responsible, appropriate and regulated way that does not put in danger you or any other participants of the traffic.
In November 2019, Joyor Electric Scooter among other leading brands and manufacturers in the market has been invited to an official meeting with the General Directorate of Traffic of Spain (DGT) in Madrid. There, they explained the new regulation norms and the process that we will have to follow during the next 2 years. We have prepared this article to share with you the relevant official information and to avoid any misunderstandings.
As we mentioned before, with the increasing number of electric scooters, it is very important that they become an official participant of the circulation in the cities along with other vehicles and that they are well integrated into the urban traffic. It is essential to have a regulation in place that assures everyone’s safety and that provides you clear guidance to follow.
A year ago, in February 2020, we have published an article on this topic. DGT has been already working on the new regulations and published some general recommendations. You can check out this information here; The new regulation has been published recently. You can access it here or on the official DGT website. It is mainly based on the previous recommendations, but it clarifies some important details and next steps in the process.
Here are 5 main things:
1. Clarification of the Personal Mobility Vehicle definition.
Personal mobility vehicles are now official participants of the traffic, and they have to follow all the general safety regulations and restrictions.
3. Regulation of places of circulation.
4. Use of helmets is not obligatory yet in this edition of the regulation, however, it will be addressed in the nearest future. Joyor Electric Scooter strongly recommends you always use a helmet for your own safety.
5. The minimum age for electric scooter use is not stated in this edition of the regulation, however, it will be addressed in the nearest future. Joyor Electric Scooter reminds you that our products are designed for use of people 16 years old and older.
As it is stated, the maximum speed limit is 25 km/h. All electric scooters Joyor manufactured in 2020 have their maximum speed limited to 25 km/h by its internal design. You can find this information on the CE homologation sticker on the bottom of the chassis of the scooter. If you need a PDF copy of that document, contact the distributor where you purchased your Joyor from or send a request to info@joyorscooter.com providing the serial number of the scooter and the invoice for your purchase. If you own a Joyor manufactured earlier, you can contact one of our official distributors in your area or one of our official technical support centres. We will provide you with a quote for an upgrade by changing the components that will limit the maximum speed of the vehicle.
Right now, in Spain, you do not need a certificate. You will need it 2 years from now.
It is important for the government to inspect the vehicles and distinguish those that meet the personal mobility vehicles standards and those that do not. Right now, the DGT is working on a manual that will specify the technical specifications of personal mobility vehicles. Joyor Electric Scooter along with other leaders in the market has been asked to participate in this process by sharing their industry knowledge and insights about the vehicles and their optimal and necessary performance. This Manual will also define the process and requirements for the certification of the electric scooters. It will be published in a few months from now. When the process and requirements are set up, Joyor Electric Scooter will provide sample units to pass the certification process and will be able to provide the required certificate with each scooter. The certificate will be obligatory in 2 years after the publishing of the Manual.
Joyor Electric Scooter is always following the news on the regulation closely and as of today, all our electric scooters meet the general European requirements and the regulations and norms that are expected to be included in the Manual. If any new regulations are added, we will make sure our electric scooters meet the requirements. If you own an older version of Joyor, you can always contact one of our official distributors or one of our own official technical support centres to modify your vehicle according to the new regulations.
Electric scooters and other personal mobility vehicles are taking over the streets of many cities, and it is very important that their participation in the traffic is regulated to assure you and everybody else’s safety. It is a very positive sign that the governments are developing regulations for these vehicles. It provides us all with a legal frame and clear guidance, and it assures us that electric scooters are not just a trend, they are innovative vehicles that have come to our life to stay. It will take some time until the regulation and the certification will have been set up in different countries. Our advice is that when choosing your electric scooter now, always keep in mind the regulation soon to come and make sure that your new electric scooter meets those requirements.
Joyor Electric Scooter is the company that drives the new electric mobility concept in Europe by bringing to the market the widest range of electric scooters for any taste or need. Joyor is an electric and foldable scooter designed for personal transportation and leisure. Fast, durable, solid, safe and easy to ride, Joyor is designed in the Netherlands. With Joyor Scooter you can enjoy revolutionary transport made to offer a unique experience at an irresistible price.